Nepal is an independent country between the Republic of China & India. It has been renowned for natural beauty, traditions, social values, and norms. It’s rich in both natural and cultural heritage. Nepal is famous in the world for having the highest peak in the world, i.e. Mount Everest, 8848m. The founder of Buddhism, Lord Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal over 2500 years ago. He is known as the light of Asia. Thousands of people from around the globe visit Nepal every year due to the invaluable natural and cultural heritage of Nepal. The country can be divided into its main geographical regions.


A) Himalayan Region (snow land): it covers around 15% of the total area of Nepal. It includes eight of the highest summits in the world.
B) Mountain Region (highland): This region occupies 68% of the total land.
C) Terai Region (low land/plain): It occupies 17% of the total land.


Nepal’s many ethnic groups are varied as its land structure with many languages and cultures. According to our ancient history, Nepalese are divided into four castes and thirty-six sub-castes. Nepalese people are very honest, trustworthy, laborious, and obedient. The manner of Nepalese peoples regarding the reverence to their seniors and employers has helped them to be the best employees in the world. Currently, overseas employers have helped them to best employees in the world. Currently, overseas employers are very keen interested in recruiting Nepalese workers in their esteemed companies due to the quality of cheerfulness and hard-working manner. Nepalese people have been recruiting overseas since the second world war. The British Government recruits Nepalese personnel in the British Army Force and has awarded Nepalese personnel known by particulars name GURKHAS (bravery).